A post with swears a recipe and my cheating heart
I ran as fast as I could through
the warm California morning but it wasn’t exactly morning it was night
and the sky was on fire here in the manufactured awful of country my radical
imagination fizzles like a dying star in a warm glass of cherry Kool-Aid oh precious
drink of my youth one packet of horse and pig hooves plus two cups of sugar please
haha do you think it’s any different now I watched a woman rise from Port Susan
with a heron on her head imagine her bite marks her majesty hallelujah
buttercup just when we thought it could get better a woman to lead us!
Now we know panic tastes like blood nickels
and shame I sat down and wept I am ashamed of sitting down the fearstink the
man with the m*ga hat and pro-guns signs all over his house his don’t tread on
me piss yellow flag dangling from his deck he was having trouble under his hood
I have jumper cables in my trunk maybe I should have stopped and offered to
help but I didn’t want to black snake black snake curling on the ground I’ve seen you bad idea man suspicious among
women and children the elderly and insane I’m tired of the stink panic coppery
but so creamy and smooth it could be on tv maybe hate makes your hair shiny and
soft maybe your goddamn christ can tell children to rise up and walk but I won’t
step a timid goddamn foot in that river even if jesus flies around my mouth
fuck the sinners fuck the saints music boiled the last lamby lamb sir I am not
who you think I am and I was a car salesman’s daughter I know how to take care
of my own car my own house and my own uterus
I have to breath into the vasovagal
nerve here I have to rent my garments spoon out my eyes like Saint Lucy but
first I have to check on my triple chocolate sourdough bread (recipe to follow)
pick it up and slap it back down over and over like an enflamed toe I know thee
well dig my fingers in and chant we’re not going to take it never did and
never will we’re not gonna take it gonna break it gonna shake let’s forget it
better still sometimes The Who glides under my fingers as I type more often
than you’d think these days how I’d love to play the drums like Keith Moon on
the skins of AmeriKKKa’s so called leaders
None of this is what I was going
to write about I want to write about being married vs not being married I was
married twice and in serious relationships two other times in all these
relationships and marriages I was unfaithful and I was unfaithful because it
was the quickest way I could see to end the marriages and the others
I know many women will see me as
being a harridan which is word so old that not even AI recognizes it or
whatever horrible words unfaithful women are called now cheaters I supposed
with their own tv show I was never bossy (well maybe a little) or belligerent I
never cheated with a married man I loved all the men I loved I just could not
stand the suffocation of being married or in a long term relationship it was
always so good until the ring slid onto my finger in my second marriage the
ring was gold that my father got by trading his dentist a car for some solid
gold nuggets (my father could sell anyone a car even with a mouth full of
dental tools) I loved that gold ring but a week after I got married my finger
broke out under the ring with terrible fiery hives and I could never wear again
it later much later I hawked it for much less than it was worth and bought pot
with the money sometimes I think I should have given the ring to my then young
son but he can have his father’s matching ring which I’ve heard he sometimes
still wears (ucky right?) I was married to him for 8 years or so but I was wildly
in love with another man for 6 of those years a tall thin man with a red Harley
Davidson upon which he gave me rides home from work up until I was pretty much
nine months pregnant
I’m curious if all this history
changes what you think of me I hope not but I don’t know many of you in the
actual world so what you think won’t change me or make me any less happy to live
out my days a single non-married woman falling in love willy nilly any time I
One thing I want to write about
is how quickly this country is changing its attitudes toward women and how
weird that when I bought this house 8 years ago I had sign the papers Rebecca
Loudon an Unmarried Woman now I wonder if I’ll still have a vote it seems
we’re all training for a new type of marathon here at the zero hour end of the
world bar and grill
Thanks for reading Darklings.
Triple Chocolate Espresso
Sourdough Bread brought to you by the Becky Crocker Kitchens
500 grams bread flour
420 grams warm water
150 grams lively sourdough starter
75 grams coco powder sifted
25 grams good quality extra virgin olive oil
4 teaspoons vanilla bean paste
2 teaspoons espresso powder
75 grams brown sugar
15 grams kosher salt
165 grams good quality (NOT tollhouse please
they don’t like to melt) mixed dark and milk chocolate chips
Mix the warm water with the vanilla bean paste, espresso powder, brown sugar,
olive oil and starter with your hand until it comes together and looks brown
and yucky (believe me it is not yucky). Toss in the bread flour and sifted coco
powder and mix it with a spoon or a hard plastic spatula until it starts to
come together. Don’t put it in your mixer please at this point it can easily
get over mixed. Just stick your wet hand on in there (come on you know you want
to do it) and start to squeeze making sure all the dry spots get a spritz of
water. I use a little spray bottle for this bread because that coco powder is
so dry.
At this point I am going to direct
you to your favorite search engine to learn how to make sourdough bread. It’s best
to have pictures. I tried to write out the whole method but I was getting tired
and was making up words and it got garbled and knotted up. Just remember to
pick off any chocolate chips on top of your dough before you turn it upside down
into its banneton or bowl. Those suckers burn. I bake this monster loaf in a Dutch
oven at 500 degrees for 20 minutes with the lid on then I lower the heat to 450
degrees (because again, sugar burns) take off the lid and bake it for 20 minutes.
Oh how I have missed you. And this history changes nothing of my love for you, it only lets me know you more, and really the logic of how you brought about those endings is irrefutable, and the why is a truth only we can know of ourselves so more power to you for looking at it squarely and saying this is how I choose to be. Also you wrote m*ga like it’s a curse, a scourge, which it is and I think I will do the same from now on, employing that signifying asterisk. Big hugs woods woman. Be well out there on the other coast.
The only comment I can come up with is -you are such an amazing person and I am in awe.
Yes. We are all marathon training at the zero hour of the world bar and grill and we harridans have a head start because we've been training our entire lives.
Love you to pieces.
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