Sunday, March 8, 2020

Pig and farm report

this morning there was a blue cold sky with pink streaks in the east I walked out to the frozen deck in my plastic flip flops to film the two deer who were having breakfast at the buffet and my feet flew out from under me my iridescent wings are iced someone pried the identification numbers off my right shoulder and left hip and put a dent in my right knee with a forklift and a bird flew smack into my engine I made plans for overthrowing the empire but first I stopped at the bakery to tend my savage heart I shave bits of it away at a time so I can become the fearless giant robot I was meant to be except I wore a white blouse with black stripes and cheap gold rimmed buttons which looked good at the store and also looked good in my dark closet this morning but now I look like Satan’s candy striper there is something weird about March it’s not winter even though it is goddamn fog and goddamned ice all over my car and now all over my person I ache for a warm beach

Possession Sound the body of water upon which I float is full of fishermen not because it’s salmon season or crabbing season but because that’s what fishermen do when it gets weird a woman just came to my door to canvass for Bernie she was religious in her passion I countered by talking about my grief over Elizabeth Warren the woman at my door said she saw the Beethoven poster through my window and figured I’d be okay which I think means she figured I wouldn’t chase after her with a gun or plaster her with t stickers or answer the door in a red hat I guess those people don’t listen to Beethoven and I am okay though she talked for too long and I won’t answer the door again for five years at least but I saluted her as she walked away my gold buttons gleaming


Blogger Ms. Moon said...

Gold buttons convey authority. I believe that.

March 9, 2020 at 6:03 AM  
Blogger Radish King said...

The salute too. She said she was just going randomly to houses but I bet she chose houses that weren’t flying flags or maybe she was looking for Beethoven? I’m not exactly on the beaten path and get “visitors” well twice now. In three years. Yikes.

March 9, 2020 at 9:07 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

How did I miss this post? It's amazing.

March 9, 2020 at 10:45 PM  

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