Thursday, November 14, 2024

Red November

 star crammed river crammed heart floors

won’t stop palp palp palping

             under the floor big engine noise

the stupid noise of this blue shred world

unraveled tipped into the burnt star universe

sloshy hort thump a zing bad country 

song a stoned rodeo queen trotting under

my floors tiara askew 

I keep thinking about that scene

in The Morning Show where Chris

wrote ABORT THE COURT in pink pink lip

stick my house floor hort monster my abor shun

my aborted fast blood slipping out 

of a woman’s sacred body I never write SACRED

it’s too 


big or small or big tied with green garden wire

thump thump a war in the capital city is moving

SSslip sliding under my floors flooding out into

all you beauty

all you strong

all you sacred women

bleeding for the land