Monday, December 23, 2019

What I did on Christmas Eve Eve

I have a new poem here at Burning House Press

Christmas Actual Eve :: zipping between ribbon crinkling deep rooted joy and threat level 1 crabbypants meltdown

Christmas Actual Eve update :: this morning I accidentally folded a fitted sheet correctly almost

Christmas Actual Eve update :: this morning I had to look all the way to the bottom of my bedside dresser drawer for an emery board because every time I use one Hal steals it sharpens his teeth with it then hides it somewhere while rummaging about my hand discovered a melted then hardened piece of salt water taffy that has been in there since two summers ago the last time I went to the Oregon coast I just put everything back where I found it and left the offending candy

Christmas Actual Eve update :: micro dosed equal amounts of thc/cbd oil because I feel myself spiking and I fear the crash because no amount of good clean living and holiday cheer is ever going to scrub away the stain of Christmas Suicide Mommy and Christmas Drunk High Waving A Gun Around Daddy

Christmas Actual Eve update :: successfully made a pumpkin pie after my major Thanksgiving pie fail I used a pie crust I had put in the freezer then made two more perfect pie crusts and popped them in the fridge after making 17,894 of them I have discovered the secret of making perfect pie crust every time practice

Christmas Actual Eve update :: I am hyper emotional but not manic or depressed I can’t even look at images that might be sad or sentimental I’ve already accidentally cried at least nine times today I don’t think I will ever escape this labyrinth I had steel cut oats for breakfast a banana for elevenses and an apple for lunch because tomorrow I cheese


Blogger 37paddington said...

You walk that high wire with such brave clarity and I am in awe.

December 26, 2019 at 6:32 AM  
Blogger Radish King said...

Thank you darling R. Knowing that you’re the only person who read this both thrills me and highlights my loneliness I adore you. Into 2020 we go!!!

Onward and upward,

December 27, 2019 at 9:53 AM  

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