Tuesday, January 9, 2018


I finished my two week daily punishment dose of Miralax yesterday and today I started in on the two tablespoons of ground flaxseed that the same gastroenterologist "prescribed" meaning he told me to buy it so I had to buy it online because here on the island if it isn't available at the Bait & Tackle then it's DEAD MEAT if you've never had ground flaxseed I can tell you that it is not delicious and also that I put the two tablespoons into a bowl of my own amazing vegetable soup and the flaxseed formed one hideous lump of horse feed a nightmare floating kettlebell of fibre a freakish dumpling a moribund tennis ball etc tomorrow I will sprinkle my two tablespoons of ground flaxseed on some good old Terrible America sugary yogurt

I have had a good week meaning I felt great until today what with the horrifying soup incident which made me literally thick as a brick thank you Ian Anderson

yesterday I drove to Bellingham which is 44 minutes away from Summer's End and 44 minutes away from Vancouver BC if I keep driving north I drove there to visit the Alaska Ferry because I had read about it once back in the olden days when I still knew how to read and was curious and yes indeed the ferry travels to Alaska it's a 38 hour sailing and I can sleep in my car or rent a cabin though I think Sweet Lime is probably more comfortable than a cabin on a ferry but still it can get me all the way to Ketchikcan for $1,000.00  I used to have $1000.00 but then I bought a house and beds and a table and furniture and etc so now I don't still I think it would be a superb summer vacation don't you?

during my drive to Bellingham I saw snow geese congregating everywhere the males' small bodies and whitewhite feathers their long elegant necks and black feet and beaks they are stunning the females such a soft gray that I just want to hold one against my face I also saw a great blue heron striding along a creek and a hawk trying to carry a large rat into the sky the rat was fighting the hawk kept wheeling down spiraling then swooping up then wheeling down again but eventually the hawk won I drove so far up the mountains that I was enveloped in cloud then drove down again to the water

I think my stomach problems which have plagued me since I was nine years old are in part the result of getting punched in the stomach so often as a girl I was the punching bag of a family full of angry people also when I was nine she i.e. You Know Who started giving me her diet pills which we called Black Beauties to stop my breasts from growing to keep me small to keep me like a tiny dog she could groom and torture

this was not where I was going to go with this post I actually came here to write that I had three poems anthologized recently poems I barely remember writing and also to report that I have finally for true figured out how to string my Henry poems together finally finally and after "The Procedures" I will start sending the manuscript to publishers editors and so forth

sidetracked and now I must supine myself and let the glob of hay in my gut do its goodness

Good night Darklings
Did you know yesterday was David Bowie's birthday?
Did you watch the biopic about his last five years that was on the telly?



Blogger Ms. Moon said...

Jesus god, you just made me cry.
Oh, Rebecca. I love you. You are stronger than any oak in my yard. And they are STRONG.

January 9, 2018 at 6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speechless at what you've suffered. Touched incredibly by your descruptions of the geese and hawk. Oh I do hope to see Henry published soon!

January 10, 2018 at 12:47 PM  
Blogger Radish King said...

Mary, thank you being possessed by tree spirit is a thing I’d firmly embrace.

January 10, 2018 at 1:31 PM  
Blogger Radish King said...

Barbara, It has taken me eight years to write the book and one year to think about ordering it and creating an introduction culled from my blog posts (thank you Angella for the idea) almost finished! Thank you.

January 10, 2018 at 1:34 PM  
Blogger 37paddington said...

Thrilled for you on the Henry book! You are a survivor. I’m grateful for it.

January 10, 2018 at 11:13 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

I'm here reading and sighing at all of it. Your words, your life, what you're stringing together. Yay on the Henry book.

January 11, 2018 at 9:29 PM  

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