Friday, May 25, 2018

Wolfie (I call her Wolfgang though her name is Wolf)

I bought a beautiful soft gray kitty bed with a rounded edge for them to sleep in I bought catnip mice and official noisy balls on string and a catnip carrot with feathers and all manner of kitten goodness and of course they choose the shoebox in which to sleep and for toys it's toilet paper seashells the three heavy books I placed over the heater vent so their tiny paws wouldn't go through the bathtub the shower curtain which is now in a corner in my bedroom since they pulled it down and  of course climbing upon each other Wolfie keeps heading for the door so soon they will be allowed access to my bedroom their next big space 

okay they were allowed access just a few minute ago Wolfie made the leap wandered around under my bed then ran back into the bathroom

I cannot cannot cannot watch the news
my son reports the news to me

it was good to see Weinstein being led from his home in handcuffs but he had a bigass smile on his face was carrying a book to read and now he has an ankle monitor that he has to wear around his eight billion dollar Connecticut house

I hope the orange nightmare is next

our country is in shambles
another school shooting this time at a middle school for fuck sake
a bombing in an Indian restaurant in Canada "they" are saying it is not a hate crime a homemade bomb in an Indian restaurant not a hate crime
seriously I cannot watch the news today

yesterday I went to the outlet mall because the hole in my old man waiting for a bus shoe finally grew big enough for my toes to plop out I bought the exact same pair again those shoes lasted for ten years even though the new shoes were on sale they were three times as expensive as they were when I bought my first pair they at least tossed in some free socks I stopped at a strip mall on the way home and discovered to my pure delight a little restaurant named (hilariously) Gyro Stop their falafel and hummus were outstanding almost almost east coast good it is near impossible to find healthy vegetarian options out here in meat country hell it is impossible to find unhealthy vegetarian options that was my day

Fridays are usually my Saturdays in my brain because after 40 years of factory work Friday was the day where looking forward was the best thing ever

Happy Friday Darklings I hope you find bliss inside the storm



Blogger 37paddington said...

A girl named Wolfie, short for Wolfgang. I love it! There is something quite magical about this post.

May 25, 2018 at 9:08 AM  
Blogger 37paddington said...

except for the horrendous news of course. i think my mind would not accept it in, and so all that was allowed inside was kitten magic and good sturdy shoes and gyro discoveries. i love you.

May 25, 2018 at 9:11 AM  
Blogger 37paddington said...

and yet, we bear witness. we must. happy friday my love!

May 25, 2018 at 9:12 AM  
Blogger Ms. Moon said...

Oh Wolfgang! You gorgeous kitty!
Yes. Fridays are the best day of the weekend. Absolutely.
You have reminded me that I am overdue for some falafel and hummus.
Love you to pieces, Rebecca and your little cats too.

May 25, 2018 at 1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wolfgang! That's a an beautiful little girl! There's a literal storm here right now. I can't bear the news anymore either.

May 25, 2018 at 4:23 PM  

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