Thursday, April 2, 2020

Pig and farm report

tonight I felt a tiny hole open in me and I realized that if I relax my bearing for one split second if I stop cleaning and cooking and doing laundry and watching the sky or looking at the television or looking at twitter for even a breath the hole will rip open and I won’t be able to stop crying

today for the first time ever I thought I am going to die alone

because this is what is happening no visitors in hospitals people are dying alone

this is the first time I’ve ever wanted to speak to a psychiatrist and now I don’t have one but I still have hope that tomorrow will be different because each tomorrow every single tomorrow will be different

it’s almost Palm Sunday then the palms will be burnt and the ashes used to draw crosses on the foreheads of believers

I wonder if I can draw a cross on my own forehead if it will count if I will be forgiven or redeemed

I wonder if I have everything I need to make potato salad


Blogger Ms. Moon said...

Palm Sunday and potato salad and the coming up celebration of the Ham and the eggs and the holy sanctified torture of the one and only son of the god of Moses.
When you think about it, everything has always been so weird but now it's just even weirder.
I love you.

April 3, 2020 at 6:38 AM  
Blogger Radish King said...

Easter remains my favorite pagan holiday. A completely weird time made weirder ♥️

April 3, 2020 at 8:41 AM  

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