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This is the Mississippi Goddamn Nina Simone moon
pink slip goddamn eviction goddamn soft potato goddamn sick in the head goddamn doubledown Monday goddamn fed up motherboard goddamn blood down my leg goddamn vampire government goddamn two headed dog goddamn rancid labyrinth goddamn live wire black anemone goddamn slumlord goddamn car crash goddamn collapsed lung goddamn autopsy goddamn
Nina Simone O Nina Simone I need your fire to rise up in me
pink slip goddamn eviction goddamn soft potato goddamn sick in the head goddamn doubledown Monday goddamn fed up motherboard goddamn blood down my leg goddamn vampire government goddamn two headed dog goddamn rancid labyrinth goddamn live wire black anemone goddamn slumlord goddamn car crash goddamn collapsed lung goddamn autopsy goddamn
Nina Simone O Nina Simone I need your fire to rise up in me
Hey there. Just saying hey and hope you’re ok.
the fire is there, just not sure what to goddam do with it.
I am better than I should be. Had a rise in anger seeing the horrible man on the telly he triggers the worst in me. XO
Linda Sue it isn’t easy is it none of it easy now except dirt and sun and (music) XO
One can't possibly write or say the word g'damn enough. I hope you're okay. I sure do appreciate you and your gorgeous writing.
Play it loud please
Elizabeth it is the summer of goddamn isn’t it? Every goddamned day. XO
Hey there Adie long time no see! I played it loud and it was so great thank you. XO
Barbara oh honey I’m sorry to hear you are in a rough time during this rough time in this rough country. Thank you for the birthday card full of black cats and wee mice I love it and showed it to Jupiter who loudly approved. Sending love and more love.
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