Friday, July 30, 2021

Pig and farm report

Yesterday I celebrated myself which is what you do when you embrace radical aloneness the day began at 2 AM when a tsunami alert went off on my phone telling me to prepare for evacuation it was the 8.2 earthquake off the coast of Alaska and didn’t affect us here but the water was exceptionally choppy with strange currents I went back to sleep once I knew my little boat wasn’t setting out 

I did get my ears pierced (again) not at the mall but at the shop where I got my tattoo re-inked right before the plague swallowed us the earrings I chose to keep in my ears are small green gems on surgical steel posts posts that have flat backs so they won’t poke my neck while I sleep which is why I always removed them in the past 

I went to the mall and was filled with girly joy to be able to wander through Macy’s again which I have not done in over two years maybe more standing at the makeup and perfume counters looking at the expensive clothes and shoes and although I couldn’t run my hands across the perfume bottles or try on seventeen thousand scents at once because of covid restrictions it doesn’t matter none of that matters I could still smell the perfume my eyes full of colors and shapes as intense as when I was a girl drinking it in for the first time when I was nine and started taking the bus downtown alone for my violin lesson then stopping at the Spokane Bon Marche on the way home to watch the glamorous women dressed up dressed to shop making an outing of it making it a date a place to see and be seen I am deep in my heart my own girly self the same girl just older

I also stopped in to the Aveda store for cherry almond shampoo and their Hand Relief Cream and I wandered into the old fashioned candy store but wandered right back out since it wasn’t yet noon the mall wasn’t crowded at all though most people were not masked I walked about five miles all in all from tip to toe all the arms of the mall in my jersey swing dress and Chuck Taylors I stopped at the food court then circled back through the Macy’s entrance then got lost in the parking lot for a while before coming home to pick up dinner and a carrot cake from my little island bakery such an easy day and joyous being my best self being my true self embracing all of it letting it all wash through me


Blogger Ms. Moon said...

Oh yes, oh yes, oh YES!
Lis said to me today- can we go to the cosmetics counter at Dilliard's? Maybe not this week but sometime? And I have a friend who works at the Estee Lauder counter and he would treat us like Cleopatras and oh, honey- you have reminded me of what being a girl is like. Can be like.
I love you with all of my hot, humid Florida heart.

July 30, 2021 at 5:03 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

what a perfect package of feet

July 30, 2021 at 8:02 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Legs! Feet! Happy happy birthday one day late, dear Rebecca.

July 30, 2021 at 10:57 PM  
Blogger 37paddington said...

Happy birthday, beloved Rebecca. It sounds perfect in every regard.

August 2, 2021 at 6:44 AM  

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