Saturday, March 31, 2018


Dear Darklings,

I am about to drive into the City to get a decent hair cut because there is not a decent hair cut to be found in this town nor the next town over nor the next so Seattle it is yesterday was the first day in one hundred and eleven days without rain with actual sunny sunshine and as soon as I saw the bright I put on my red plaid boots and headed outside to dig up one of my three garden plots and dug trenches and into those trenches I planted 21 potato tubers each spud with three eyes which I cut therefore I planted 63 potatoes and then I raked the front yard which is a forest which means I raked down the almost gravel path from the mailbox and pine needles flew right and left then I raked out to the cars that path with even more sodden pine needles and then I stood and admired my work which looked clean and lovely and mostly my brand new potato patch looked like a bunch of mud and last night my upper body let me know oh yes it did it let me know that the Queen of Slack was visiting all the muscles barking at once but today I feel so fine and the sun is shiny shining again and I am off to the city which caused me great stress and anxiety last night I couldn't could not sleep and when I finally dozed off I dreamed that Martha Stewart was taking me to dinner at the Canlis Seattle's fancy restaurant but my mouth was so dry in my dream my entire being parched that I could not even ask for a glass of water I could not speak but the wait person placed a glass of water in front of me in which there was a small #2 pencil sized pink and gray polka dotted cigarette butt floating I tried to drink it but no water came forth

yesterday I finally brushed the dried soil from Orlando's grave off my bright green Converse shoes and polished up the white parts with white vinegar which to me represents the end of the end in a way though green is always beginning this morning I walked around the back forest and said hello to Figgy Pudding and Marylinn Magnolia the former has a sweet bud on its tip the former is now taller than I and the deep purple lilac tree is about to burst out of its green sweater

no anxiety today I just boiled eggs for my Pagan Easter celebration potato salad tomorrow I will go to mass with my new haircut and navy blue dress and worship the goddess good morning good morning from my island where it smells like the best summer camp you could ever dream of.



Blogger Ms. Moon said...

I can almost see it and smell it.
I can't wait to see a picture of your hair.

March 31, 2018 at 1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could smell your lovely island. Glad anxiety is taking a break. I'm with Mary, can't wait to see your hair.

March 31, 2018 at 2:45 PM  
Blogger Radish King said...

Mary I think I planted the crookedest rows on the planet. But I don't care. They're in the dirt. HURRAY! xor

March 31, 2018 at 8:03 PM  
Blogger Radish King said...

Barbara, I wish you and Mary and Elizabeth and all my women friends from this true imaginary true world could come out to Summer's End imagine the party! the food! the cake! the wine! the coven! We would bring down the ancient gods in all their finery we would and build a fire in the forest at night.

March 31, 2018 at 8:05 PM  
Blogger 37paddington said...

What a fine report. I love that last line. It evokes whole worlds.

April 1, 2018 at 8:08 AM  

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