Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Pig and farm report

I took that photo at my beach yesterday the same Great Blue Heron who is there every single day along with his buddies his cohorts in crime the two red-winged blackbirds though Blue usually flies away when I approach him the frogs were in fine voice as well and today more and more and more rain and panic over my commitment to writing too much and ultra-panic over the internet people coming here coming actually into my house to check my stuff which feels extremely invasive because I'm slightly insane and extremely reclusive I called my son and told him to please come over and he will I'm not sure I want to wade through the ocean outside my door I'm not sure I want to even take off my nightgown the rain won't stop and the sun won't shine and etc my own bluesy song though I am not blue but worried about The Invasion of My Private Space honestly Alice is the only visitor I've ever had except for the consumptive Mr and Mrs Jehova's Witness who came in when I first moved here delicately coughing up blood into their respective hankies I think I'll bake today that will take the sting out of O death where is thy sting and maybe I should swim to the beach anyway maybe I'll see a whale or maybe I'll name the Great Blue who let me approach in my heavy human feet

Good morning Darklings do you long for summer?



Blogger Ms. Moon said...

The great blue herons remind me in some ways of giant, gentle dogs. They seem to return to the same places to fish day after day, patient and attentive. I remember one year when I visited my beloved Roseland and would go down to the dock on the Sebastian River for the sunset at evening time and there would be the same heron, standing on a sandbar in the low tide, watching and waiting.
I miss him.

April 10, 2018 at 11:16 AM  
Blogger Radish King said...

They are so other-worldly. He wasn't there when I went back this afternoon. x

April 10, 2018 at 7:41 PM  

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