mourning the end of tomato season
this might be the last tomato its tender alien beauty those imprecise swollen lobes its dark green eye its strong heart I picked it this morning after a dark and stormy night it is pecked with rain and a wee bit soft but I will eat it with mayonnaise on dark rye bread and I will savor every single drop of its sugary tomato blood
I stood in the garden in my pajamas just a few minutes ago and yelled at the potatoes to stop growing what even the hell everything else is politely dying back but the potatoes those lumpy attention whores wave their leaves that continue to feed the blacktail deer who use my garden as their salad buffet and those damn potatoes grow and grow and grow and grow oblivious unable to read the room the bumptious clowns of the hidden root underworld
it’s 43 degrees I lit the fire and drank three maybe twelve cups of coffee it has been almost a week since I’ve had deep river soul slamming anxiety is it too early to hope that the prozasin is actually working where the less expensive doxazosin did not is it folly to hope maybe but I’m going to run with my functioning self while I am here inhabiting my brain I am going to savor it while it’s here
Hello Darklings and greetings from the stormy Salish Sea
Entirely gobsmacked.
I can taste that tomato, even as you eat it.
This forest gives up the beauty. Hey sweet Mary you want me to send you some potatoes?
Two things that money cannot buy..True Love and Homegrown Tomatoes! What a luscious tomato. Looks like a flower. What with all the juicy fruit and tomatoes I believe your skin will hydrate from the inside out.
I use coconut oil as cleanser and smoother. It only works if you sing "Put the lime in the coco nut..."
Googled the book you are reading. I will try to get at the library. I always have fear of the grammar police since my degree is an STG. Self-taught Genius.
Lotsa snow but still a toasty 29*. I shoveled some, trekked to the garbage bin, then polished off the chicken and dumplings for my reward. I must run..I hear carrot cake calling.
I have the SOHK degree, I mastered in it. Mmmm...cream cheese frosting!
School of hard knocks. Very close to STG.
Ah yes, it's all coming back now. In my growing up years, I went to school in Van Horn, Texas. Not the end of the world, but you could SEE it from there. The only reason teachers had a job there was because they could not get a job anywhere else. Even washing dishes in a truck stop.
I wish I could come stay with you by the Salish Sea. I'm sorely sorrowful supine for the sea.
Elizabeth this place is restorative I really believe it. You have been on Whidbey so I know you know. Love
Your writing is wonderful, especially about the bumptious potatoes. They use that word a lot where I'm from but you're the first person I've heard use it where I've come to. Feels like home, being here. With you. I'm so happy you're on the verge of medication hopefulness. I'm teetering on that verge beside you, rappelling cord around you at the ready, so go ahead and jump. We who love you are holding on tight. There's a lot of us.
Thank you darling R. I am so glad you’re in my corner. Love
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