Friday, January 10, 2020

Pig and farm report

the wind tore across Possession Sound at frightening speeds all damned night it woke me at 4am I ran a tub full of hot water and clickwhistle off went my power I took a bath washed my hair in the tub by candlelight I left the water in the tub so I could flush my toilet with it (I keep a large pitcher in my bathroom for this very reason) until the power came back on got back into bed willing my hair to dry then at 7:30 I got up put on my giant coat my boots and my watch cap and headed out to the beach cafe the owner was there to turn on their generator and she told me any time I lose power I can come in for free coffee and sit by the giant stone fireplace and use their wifi and I thanked her and did not cry with her kindness though I took my time with breakfast that’s where I sit right there next to the kitchen you can see daylight in that window coming through the trees and the sound below and the deck chairs and tables stacked outside waiting for summer’s tourist trade

I spotted an old growth conifer that suicided on some power lines one and a half roads away from my house the tree is huge and it is still on the lines even though I passed three power co. trucks the guys in hard hats staring at the tree and at the lines I don’t blame them for leaving it they got as much as they could off the road that downed tree is going to be a big job and the power was out all over the island trees whose root balls became soaked and saturated because winter has been so dry but the dry part is over it has rained for days now flooding the rivers and culverts and sloughs and a small town just north of here Silvana and trees and of course the Old Testament force wind

I lingered at the cafe just past what felt like a proper time came back home got back into my bed to get warm and read a bit and when the power came back on I baked

And Lo! And behold! I made double dark chocolate espresso ginger brownies because I almost never fuck up brownies no matter what I do to them and She saw that it was good.

I called  the kid who is in the city where it is not snowing but surely will be by tonight and told him he should not have made fun of my apocalypse shopping list because guess who is at the store now that’s right every single damned person on the island that’s who except me haha

the moon is full and the water is high Darklings be well


Blogger Ms. Moon said...

Breakfast in a place where they know you, where they feed and offer you shelter is a huge blessing.
Our giant oak trees do the same- drought followed by so much rain and wind cause them to fall like mythical giants.
My husband told me tonight that his sister, in Texas, is under Tornado warnings. In JANUARY!
"So," he asked her. "Do you believe in global warming now?"
Golly. It's been a sad day here. But I've thought about you a lot and that wasn't sad at all.

January 10, 2020 at 7:06 PM  
Blogger Radish King said...

Mary it took me three years to find a place of my own where I can sit and watch the waves and eat fine food and drink strong coffee you’re right a blessing indeed. Your depression sounds fierce love. And in January when all the emotions attached to love and death raise up with birthdays and piling on top of the holidays. Take care darling. Be safe.

January 10, 2020 at 7:33 PM  
Blogger Radish King said...

Barbara I feel my whole idea about and around weather has to shift to keep up. I’m so glad you had the dogs in with you. That says everything about you and your friends. Can you see my fingerprints all over that bowl. I couldn’t keep my fingers out of it but I got most of it in a bowl and some of it in my hair.

January 10, 2020 at 7:45 PM  
Blogger 37paddington said...

The thought of you sitting in that cafe watching the light creep through the trees, the beach right outside, sipping coffee in your hat and boots, welcomed and cared for by the woman there, my eyes pricked with tears, good ones, to know there is a place like that for you. Your island sounds wild and mysterious, a bit like you. Brownies. Yum.

January 11, 2020 at 5:46 AM  
Blogger Radish King said...

Darling R, it is wild out here wilder than I ever imagined and much less populated that our larger island sister Whidbey. We have only one tourist attraction that is to zip line through the forest but I know eventually that will change once people find out about us. I took Page camping here all the time when he was little so I already lived it. I was reading this morning about a group of writers at a retreat in the woods and it looked just like outside here. I wonder where they were. Thank you.The brownies seemed to have mysteriously disappeared overnight I suspect my son showed up late. XO Rebecca

January 11, 2020 at 8:09 AM  

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