Friday, October 19, 2018

Pig and farm report

this morning I drove to the beach in deep deep fog where I saw three seal pups frolicking close to the docks one seal bobbing up and down the other two swimming in loopy strokes out in a V then back in close to the third a great blue heron stood motionless watching them and a kingfisher stood on the pilings I watched this magik until the heron decided the seal pups were interrupting her fishing and she flew off squawking which I have never in my livelong life heard before a terrible trumpet an ancient sound as she scolded the pups the kingfisher stayed in her place unperturbed her dry trill echoing out over the water

I came home then lit a fire and split my first acorn squash of the season rubbed olive oil and salt and pepper into its orange flesh and put it in the oven it will make four meals once I stuff the halves with mushrooms and onions and apple and sharp cheddar cheese and cranberries and brown rice plus fresh thyme and garlic chives that miraculously appeared in my herb garden after the last rain

I'm working on Tom's second interview question it has taken me way too long distracted as I was by my book which for now is blissfully out of my hands

this is a small report but I am sane and happy and once I finish Tom's question today I'm going to read a bit and fill up my already brimming well

I am thinking for the near future of writing a short story again I've written ten but I threw all but one away when I moved I love the form and I think it is more difficult than a novel

happy October Darklings may you have frogs and owls and warm blankets or working air conditioning wherever you are and all the orange food you need



Blogger Ms. Moon said...

I think that first paragraph is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read.

October 19, 2018 at 2:40 PM  
Blogger Radish King said...

Oh Mary thank you! I love your face.

October 19, 2018 at 2:42 PM  
Blogger Ms. Moon said...

As my Billy would say- I love your guts.

October 20, 2018 at 6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your descriptions always give me such a strong sense of being there. The squash sounds wonderful! Much love.

October 21, 2018 at 6:40 PM  
Blogger Pamela Johnson Parker said...

I'm so happy you're going back to the short story! I agree with you it's harder than a novel which is (perhaps) the point. (No comma inserted just for you) XOX

PS I really can't wait to read your Henry poems.

October 22, 2018 at 11:20 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

I'm just sighing down here at the bottom of the left coast. Your writing is so beautiful.

October 22, 2018 at 10:01 PM  
Blogger 37paddington said...

I would love to read your short stories. sometimes you write some here. They are exquisite.

November 2, 2018 at 7:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking of you.

November 6, 2018 at 5:52 PM  

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