is such a weak word in writing it is a clearing of the throat but I don't care if Kurt Vonnegut can do it so can I also the weak word thing is just a rule I imposed on myself for the craft of poetry which is different than regulation writing but should not be
my ex husband showed up this morning to fetch his son then he came in then he stayed
also a weak word metaphors are much stronger than similes
I was in the kitchen making enchiladas because it is a version of stress baking what with all the veggie prep and tortilla making and sauce cooking etc
I wonder if he thought I was going to make him lunch
he talked about his brother reminding me that his brother was his brother hello! we were married for ten years I know who your brother is
he mansplained to me about how to get the pine needles off my roof and how to clean the gutters
he talked about his now religious sister and her husband who I adored at one time back when animals could talk
then I
I was getting itchy twitchy my son was hovering waiting for me to crawl out of my skin waiting for my entire skin to shed and hit the deck in a pasty pink puddle
because my son understands that I am not a social animal my son has the goods on me my son knows
then they left thank bog with five of my giant peanut butter cookies wrapped in tin foil like eight year olds going to day camp
now I am simmering sauce and trying to watch LaLa Land and truthfully I cannot get my brain inside it I just cannot I have no idea where this movie came from or why it is a representation of LA I have never been to LA though I have been in and around that area my vision of LA lies in better movies the Watts riots and Elizabeth I would not mind taking a trip there but I won't be singing and dancing well I might dance one never knows truthfully I might even sing but not that way
today the tides are at their lowest for the year and it's going to be hot for here 80 degrees might not be hot for you but it is here it was 80 degrees yesterday too and I had all the windows in the house open and the breeze came through and I felt comfortable the entire day maybe after I cook the enchiladas I will go to the lake and swim though yesterday I stepped on the business end of an X-acto knife blade yes I stabbed myself in the foot just like in the movies except only I could get stabbed with the pointy point of an X-acto blade therefore today I'm wearing a bandaid on the bottom of my foot and a sock this is all incredibly boring
I have nothing
good morning from Summer's End where the fun never stops
*So it goes, from Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut